
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Civil War Trust Preservation News

From Civil War Trust:

Preservation News - March 2012

Save Cross Keys and Tom's Brook

Earlier this month, the Civil War Trust announced a new campaign to save 244 acres of the Cross Keys and Tom's Brook battlefields in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Together we can save the very ground where 5,000 Confederate soldiers held off 10,500 Union troops under General John C. Fremont in June of 1862. And at Tom's Brook we can save land where West Point friends and battlefield rivals Tom Rosser and George Custer fought.


Jim Lighthizer Photo
March 2012
Dear Civil War Preservationist,
The Cross Keys Battlefield has always had a special place in my heart. The 51-acre "Widow Pence Farm" tract was the very first battlefield property that the Trust purchased after I became president. Now, twelve years later, we have another excellent opportunity to preserve even more at Cross Keys. Coupled with our new efforts at Tom's Brook I hope that, like me, you will be motivated to take full advantage of the chance to buy 244 acres for just 1.8 cents per square foot.
Earlier this month, we concluded a great event in the Shepherdstown and Antietam region. It was great seeing so many of our Color Bearers at the 2012 Weekend event. And as I look at my calendar, I can see that our 2012 Park Day and Annual Conference in Richmond are coming soon. Both are great opportunities to support our mission and to learn more about our history. Join us!
- Jim Lighthizer, Civil War Trust President


Momentous Results Historian Robert K. Krick provides a detailed account of the June 8, 1862, Battle of Cross Keys, a key action during Stonewall Jackson's famous Shenandoah Valley Campaign.


Antietam Maps Check out our new and expanded set of Antietam battle maps – in time for the upcoming 150th anniversary of this bloodiest day in the Civil War. Free registration allows you to download the maps as PDFs.


Video: Cross Keys Robert K. Krick, the reigning authority on the Battles of Cross Keys and Port Republic, shares his account of the fighting at these important 1862 Valley Campaign battlefields.


10 Facts about Tom's Brook Learn more about the significance of Tom's Brook – the most decisive Union cavalry victory in the Eastern Theatre – where we now have the chance to save 161 acres.


Park Day Here's your chance to give back to Civil War sites across the country. 2012 Park Day will be held on Saturday, March 31. Look for participating sites near you.


Annual Conference Join Civil War Trust members and staff, along with some of the nation's elite historians for four days of camaraderie and Civil War touring at some of America's great Civil War battlefields in Richmond, Virginia.


CB Weekend Photos See photos from our recently completed Color Bearer Weekend at Antietam and Shepherdstown. Lots of photos of our Color Bearers and staff in action.


Gettysburg Hub 2 Check out our new and expanded Battle of Gettysburg page, with maps, history articles, photos, facts, travel information and more.


Chancellorsville Android Our Chancellorsville Battle App is now available for us on the Android smartphone platform. Download the free App today and get ready for an in-depth tour of this remarkable 1863 battlefield.


Bull Run Hub 2 We've expanded and improved our popular First Manassas/Bull Run battlefield page. Check out all the maps, history articles, videos, photos, facts, and travel resources on the Bull Run page.


March battles Expand your knowledge of the Civil War by learning more about some of the great Civil War battles that occurred this month. Access our history articles, photos, maps, and links for the battles listed below:


Civil War preservation news from around the country
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SCV Resolution adopted unanimously by the GEC March 26, 2012

From SCV:

Army of
Sons of Confederate Veterans
Information for the Army on the Move !!!
Resolution adopted unanimously by the GEC
March 26, 2012
These being the facts: The Museum of the Confederacy has long been on a path to downplay it's role in commemorating the Confederacy. It is opening a new facility in Appomattox where it refuses to display a Confederate flag on a pole outside the building.

Thus be it resolved: The General Executive Council of the Sons of Confederate Veterans does call upon the Museum of the Confederacy to display a Confederate Flag on a pole on the outside of the Appomattox facility. That such a display is both historically accurate and morally necessary.

Be it also resolved: The General Executive Council of the Sons of Confederate Veterans does strongly urge it's Compatriots not to be participants in the opening ceremony of said facility. To do so lends credence to the claims of those refusing to display the Confederate flag in its proper station.

Quick Links...
"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish."

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Newsletter

Welcome to the e-newsletter of the Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission. Newsletters will be sent out periodically to keep readers up to date on recent activities of the Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission, which is housed in the Historic Preservation Program, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to a friend.
For more information on the commission’s activities, or to subscribe to the e-newsletter, visit the ACWSC web site at To become a fan of the ACWSC on Facebook, go to!/pages/Arkansas-Civil-War-Sesquicentennial-Commission/279474924191?ref=ts.
       LITTLE ROCK—The winners of a northwest Arkansas student Civil War sesquicentennial podcast contest have been added to the Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission website, ACWSC Chairman Tom Dupree announced today.
       Several Northwest Arkansas museums and historical organizations sponsored a podcast contest for K-12 students in Benton, Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton, and Washington counties. In the contest, students were asked to create a short, non-fiction, audio podcast about the Civil War in the Arkansas Ozarks. Both individuals and groups could enter. First place winners received a cash prize of $100; second place winners received $50.
       The winners were:
       Elementary School category (grades K-5): First place, Kingston Elementary School 3rd and 4th grade gifted and talented class, Kingston, for “A Civil War Tragedy in Huntsville, Arkansas”; second place, Lauren Ada, Forest Heights Elementary School, Harrison, for “The Flag, as Told by Jane Bailey.”
       Middle School category (grades 6-8): First place, Maggie Weber and Sarah Strickland, Hellstern Middle School, Springdale, for “The Battle of Pea Ridge”; second place, Rebekah Love, Trevor Clark, and Alex Eremiev, Hellstern Middle School, Springdale, for “Dr. Keller and the Civil War in Arkansas.”
       High School category (grades 9-12): First place, Sophia Calzada, home school, Fayetteville, for “'The Girl I Left Behind Me and the Battle of Pea Ridge”; second place, Rachel Brewer and Ryan Gunter, Benton County School of the Arts High School, Rogers, for “Elkhorn Tavern.”
       The podcasts can be heard at  
       The sponsoring organizations were the Benton County Historical Society, Fayetteville Convention and Visitors Bureau, Northwest Arkansas Civil War Roundtable, Rogers Historical Museum, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History, Washington County Arkansas Genealogical Society, and Washington County Historical Society. The contest was also sanctioned by the Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission.
       For more information on sesquicentennial plans, visit or e-mail   
       The Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission is housed within the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program. The AHPP is the Department of Arkansas Heritage agency responsible for identifying, evaluating, registering and preserving the state’s cultural resources. Other agencies are the Arkansas Arts Council, the Delta Cultural Center in Helena, the Old State House Museum, the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, the Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission and the Historic Arkansas Museum. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


From SCV:

Sons of Confederate VeteransMarch 14, 2012   

SCV logo   

(Atlanta - March 14, 2012)  The Georgia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans announced today that it is launching a statewide radio campaign to educate the public about the events of 1862 as part of its ongoing effort to commemorate the Sesquicentennial celebration of the War Between the States. 

At the heart of the radio campaign is a series of ten new history segments which will broadcast on radio stations across the state over the remainder of 2012.  The radio commercials each commemorate specific events which took place exactly 150 years ago this year during the War Between the States, also known as the War for Southern Independence.  The commercials deal with some of the major battles of the War from 1862 such as The Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battle of Shiloh; but they also highlight the technological breakthrough of the Confederacy which produced the first successful modern ironclad ship in naval warfare, the CSS Virginia.  Another of the ten radio spots recalls the atrocities committed against Southerners by Union forces including the infamous "Beast" Butler who commanded Northern troops during the Yankee occupation of New Orleans.  Finally, events specific to Georgia history are included such as the heroic defense of Fort Pulaski in Savannah by the Georgia militia in the face of intense fire during the first assault of a masonry fort by rifled cannon.

All ten of the new history segments are available for listening or as downloads at the Georgia Division website as part of an ongoing educational effort to commemorate the people, causes, and events of the War.  The general public is invited to make use of the many online educational materials made available free of charge by the Georgia Sons of Confederate Veterans.

To listen to the new radio commercials of the Sons of Confederate Veterans or for other information related to the Sesquicentennial commemoration of the War Between the States, please contact Georgia Division Commander Jack Bridwell at 1-866-SCV-in-GA or online at


Ray McBerry Enterprises is the public relations firm for the Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans.  

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Battle of Hampton Roads

From 19th Century History:

The Battle of Hampton Roads

By , Guide   March 5, 2012
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This week marks the 150th anniversary of a significant milestone in naval history, the day when two Civil War ironclads faced off for the first time.
The peculiar ships, the USS Monitor, and the CSS Virginia, which the Confederates had improvised on the hull of the wrecked steam frigate USS Merrimac, battled on March 9, 1862.
At Hampton Roads, Virginia, they maneuvered about awkwardly, blasting away and lobbing heavy cannonballs at each other for hours. But thanks to their clever designs, and thick layers of armor plating, the heavy projectiles bounced off.
Neither ship would still be afloat by the end of 1862, yet they had proven that wooden warships were suddenly obsolete.
The Monitor would sink in a mid-winter storm, and itsturret was raised from the ocean floor in 2002. Some human remains were found within the turret, and news stories about research on the discovered bones appeared within the past few days.
The Mariners Museum in Newport News, Virginia, is restoring parts of the ship at the USS Monitor Center.
Illustration: USS Monitor/Library of Congress
Vintage Images: USS Monitor