
Friday, April 23, 2010

The Meaning of the Confederate Flag (from

“We feel that our cause is just and holy; we protest solemnly in the face of mankind that we desire peace at any sacrifice save that of honour and independence; we ask no conquest, no aggrandizement, no concession of any kind from the States with which we were lately confederated; all we ask is to be let alone; that those who never held power over us shall not now attempt our subjugation by arms.”

President Jefferson Davis – 29 April 1861

What do you think of when you see the flag above? Racism? Slavery? Hatred? White supremacy?

Something worse?

Now, what do you see on the flag above? The color Red? White? Blue? Thirteen stars?

Is that all? See anything else?

Look closer and take some time to think about what you're actually seeing... examine every detail of the flag.

The design of this flag actually tells the story about what the flag stood for, and my friend...

... it says NOTHING about racism, slavery, hatred or white supremacy!

You could remove all the COLOR from this flag, leaving just the outline of the details, and the meaning could still be understood...

... if the mind of those who were looking upon it wasn't already clouded with the LIES, STUPIDITY and TOTAL IGNORANCE of those who taught them what they have chosen to think the flag stands for... which is generally the negative attributes listed above.

First of all, the flag above is NOT the "Confederate Flag." It is the "Battle Flag of Northern Virginia." This design, however, is the one most synonymous with the term, and the one used in various forms on other Confederate Flags. It is also the one most hated by those who have no clue what it stands for or the story its design tells.

So look again at the flag and answer this question : Do you see a big letter "X" on it anywhere? How about if I lay that "X" down on its side like this? : See it now? The X is the big, blue bands outlined with white trim that the thirteen stars are placed on.

And do you know what these thirteen stars represent? They represent the thirteen original colonies that formed the first united states of this country. Knowing this is the key to understanding the design of this flag and its TRUE meaning.

The thirteen stars on this flag appear to lie on the blue X... but in reality, the X lies on the starts.

Do you remember from your grade-school years how the teachers would ask you to circle the right answers or picture on a page, or to put an X on the wrong answer or picture? That is the same, basic concept here... the stars on this flag are laid out in the pattern of an X, and the blue bands on this flag were put on the thirteen stars (which represent the 13 original, "united" states) to show that the southern states no longer wanted to be "united" with the northern states. The southern states withdrew from that union in a movement called "secession," which led to the Civil War.

That's it. Its just that simple. If this flag represented slavery, hatred, white supremacy, or something worse, it would contain pictures of the faces of those whom it stood against, and there would be a big X on their faces.

But that is NOT what is on this flag.

And that is NOT what this flag represents.

If you believe otherwise, it is YOU who are the racist!


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