
Sunday, April 18, 2010

What I Believe, Part I

I believe that the South decided to secede as a result of the Northern States tariffs, and the Northern States refusing to enforce Federal laws--Nullification.  When the Republicans were elected on an Abolitionist platform, with no nod to restitution to the South for the loss of property (the slaves), the South had no other recourse.  Secession was, and is, a right of the States.  The Constitution is a contract, and that contract was voided by the behavior of the northern States, and the behavior of the Federal Government.  The South formed its own new government, and declared its independence.  The Confederate States of America attempted to begin friendly, diplomatic relations with the United States, but those attempts were rebuffed.   Abraham Lincoln, 16th President and Dictator of the United States, used un-Constitiutional means to return the South to the Union.  This was not the action of a democratic republic, but of an empire.

I believe that the United States of America has long been an empire on the world stage, since at least the early Indian removals and wars.  That we were an empire was most notably shown in the Mexican War of 1845.  The realtiy of empire was re-proved when the North began the War Between the States, or War of Northern Aggression.  The reality of this empire was proved once again in the Spanish-American War of 1898, which, oddly enough, was seen a a war that strengthened the bonds between the North and the South.  I believe that the South, after being forcibly returned and reintegrated into the Union, has been an occupied country to this day.  There was no treaty ending the war.  There were no treason trials.  The Confederate States, one by one, under duress, were forcible re-admitted to the Union.

The cause for which the South fought continues down to this very day.  States Rights and Federal Rights under the Constitution are in the daily discourse of citizens today.  The issue has not gone away over the years.  But, over those years the Federal Leviathan has grown ever more large and powerful. to the point that it overshadows every part of every citizens life.  That the federal government has so overstepped it bounds that the citizenry are in uproar is a defense of the South and its stand.  We are indeed vindicated, as in our motto Deo Vindici, or God, Our Vindicator.

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