
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

24 May in History

1218--The Fifth Crusade leaves Acre for Egypt.

1689--The English Parliament passes the Acts of Toleration, which protects Protestants, but excludes Roman Catholics.

1738--Aldersgate Day--John Wesley is converted, and the Methodism movement begins.

1832--The Kingdom of greece is proclaimed in the London Conference.

1844--Samuel Morse sends the first telegraph message.

1846--In the Mexican-American War, General Zachary Taylor captures Monterrey.

1856--John Brown and his men murder five slavery proponents in Pottawattomy Creek, Kansas.

1883--The Brooklyn Bridge is opened to trakkic after being 14 years under construction.

1941--The HMS Hood is sunk by the KMS Bismarck.

1962--Astronaut Scott Carpenter, in the Project Mercury capsule Aurora 7, orbits the Earth three times.

1967--Egypt blockades Israel's Red Sea coast.

1976--Trans-Atlantic flights by the Concorde begin.

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