
Friday, May 14, 2010

A Tale of Two Nations

This article is from the League of the South:

A Tale of Two Americas

Renowned Professor Clyde Wilson of South Carolina describes American sectionalism in the following words:

"Throughout most of American history region has been a better predictor of political position than party. That aspect of our reality has been neglected and suppressed in recent times as the rest of the country has conspired or acquiesced in transforming the South into a replica of Ohio.

Yet the notorious squeak vote on the ObamaCare bill shows that the old reality still exists and that the South is still the core and mainstay of any viable American conservatism. My friend Bill Cawthon has run down the statistics on the House of Representatives vote. Of the four census regions, the South was the only one to vote against the federal takeover of medicine. The South (the Confederacy plus Kentucky and Oklahoma) voted 71 per cent against the bill; the Northeast 75 per cent in favour; the West 61 per cent aye; and the Midwest divided evenly.

Every Southern State voted a majority negative. The no vote included 19 Democrats from the South. If you remove the four sparsely populated Plains States of the western Midwest, the Midwest total moves to a majority in favour of ObamaCare, even allowing for the no-vote of the Southern border State Missouri.

This pattern has held on every major piece of legislation since 1965, even allowing that Southern Congressional districts are designed by federal lawyers and judges to maximise the minority vote. Immigration, balanced budget, public prayer, women in combat—the South has provided the brake on the leftist agenda of federal grasp. Of the 212 nay votes on ObamaCare nearly half (100) came from the South.

A century and a half ago, John C. Calhoun, one of the most prescient observers of the American regime, remarked that the South was the balance wheel of the Union, which prevented the whole from flying apart under the stress of the manias that regularly seized hold of the mainstream. It looks as though that is still true, though our ability to control the machine grows weaker year by year."

This state-by-state map of the health care voting results further illustrates this divide. Numbers represent each state's electoral vote total.

States in white voted a tie.

In a short but fascinating interview recently hosted by Bill O'Reilly on the Fox News O'Rielly Factor, guest Dick Morris stated that the purpose of this new Health Care law is to require the South to adopt the North's standards but it does not provide the money to the South to do so. After the first year the South must pay for it all.

Dick Morris quotes Alabama Governor, Bob Riley who said that Obama is trying to equalize the North and the South so the South will no longer have a competitive advantage.

Card Check will make the South unionized

The Medicare Bill will make the South's taxes higher and

Cap and Trade will toughen the environmental standards in the South.

All of these combined will make it unattractive for businesses to continue to move to the South.

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