
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Confederate POW-MIA Flag

From SLMN News and Confederate POW Flag:

Confederate POW-MIA Flag

A brief overview of Confederates in Union POW camps.

Approximately 215,000 Southerners were captured and confined in Union POW camps. Of these, approximately 26,000 Confederates died while in captivity or 12.1 % of those Southerners who were captured in the conflict. In many of these prison camps records were minimal or not kept at all. The conditions were heinous. Lack of clean water, food, adequate clothing and medical care contributed to the deaths and dismal conditions in the camps. Brutality by the guards, commanding officers and the federal government took its toll also. Broiled rat was regarded as cuisine and any dog that wandered into the camp was killed and eaten. At Camp Morton POW camp located in Indiana, 24 black Confederates and 1 Hispanic Confederate are buried. It is estimated that between 250-300 black, Hispanic and Native American Confederates passed through this camp. These veterans faired as badly as their white brothers in arms.

This SCV (Scala Caeli Vale) “The ladder to heaven- farewell” flag is dedicated to the memory of those who died and those who survived the horrors in those wretched Union camps. The gray field represents the Confederate gray. The yellow star represents all those who died in the conflict, combatants and Southern civilians (approximately 50,000) that were killed by the Union Army. Many black and white people were robbed, raped, tortured and starved to death by the “Northern Liberators”. The Seal of the Confederacy with George Washington pointing the way is surrounded by the crops grown in the South which would include; corn, tobacco, cotton, beans, etc. The circle of stars represents each of the Confederate states. The navy blue St. Andrews Cross is the color of mourning.

Above the seal is the motto: “You Shall Not Be Forgotten”. Beneath the seal POW-MIA’s with the “Deo Vindice” within the seal which basically means “God Vindicates”.

This flag was created in dedication to James Madison Gornto, an ancestor, who was a Private in the 4th Florida Infantry Company “C”. He was captured at Missionary Ridge, TN and confined in December 1863.He later died the same month at Rock Island federal POW camp Illinois and is buried in plot #39.

This unique one of a kind and copyrighted flag is being offered to those who have sympathies towards the South and to the surviving relatives (soldiers & civilians) who perished. At Rock Island POW camp the United Daughters of the Confederacy erected a monument that states;

In Memory Of The Confederate

Veterans Who Died At The

Rock Island Confederate

Prison Camp. May They Never

Be Forgotten. Let No Man

Asperse The Memory Of

Our Sacred Dead. They Were

Men Who Died For A Cause They

Believed Was Worth Fighting For And

Made The Ultimate Sacrifice

We say; "You Shall Not Be Forgotten". As long as duty, honor and sacrifice define Southern heroism your memory will live forever.

"Confederate veterans have been declared by the U.S. Congress in 1958 to be due the same respect, rights, and honors of any other American veterans. Quoting from the United States Statutes at Large, Volume 72, Part 1 Pages 133-134, "By Federal act of Congress (May 23, 1958) all Confederate veterans are United States Military Veterans, and deserve all the rights and honors pertinent to such service."

Confederate veterans are thus not only recognized as United States citizens, but fully as a Federally-recognized member of the U.S. Military (with Veterans' status) as well.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this flag goes to support SCV (Sons of Confederate Veterans), Camp 2086, Dixie Defenders, Cross City, FL.

This flag is made of polyester D100 and is 3’ x 5.’

To get your very own Confederate POW Flag, please see Ordering Info.

The Confederate POW-MIA flag is currently flying in the following states and countries; Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, California, Oregon, Washington state, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Nevada, Virginia, New York state, Maryland, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arizona, Ohio the U.K. and Iraq.

A DVD entitled "The Truth Concerning The Confederate Battle Flag" will be included at no additional charge.

© 2010 Confederate POW Flag - Kenn Lightfoot, All Rights Reserved

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