
Monday, September 6, 2010

SPLC's Morris Dees To Speak At VMI

From Rebellion:

6:13 PM (4 hours ago)The infiltration of VMI by Morris Deesfrom SLMNews Blog by PalmettoPatriot'Morris Dees, co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, will help kick off the 2010-11 academic year at VMI by giving its Academic Convocation address, “With Justice for All,” at 11:15 a.m. on Sept. 13 in Cameron Hall.... Dees’ appearance is part of VMI’s Distinguished Speakers Series, which brings to VMI’s Corps of Cadets key themes and issues of the day. The speakers in the series are selected to broaden cadets’ perspectives on international and cultural issues, contemporary foreign and domestic matters, leadership issues, moral-ethical questions, civic responsibilities, and other matters of importance in the modern world.'

This is not good news. Bastions of the traditional South such as VMI are especially targeted by leeches such as Dees and his fellow swindlers at the SPLC. It would be nice to see the man booted from the premises and sent on his way! This man has made a career out of swindling the public and targeting (along with a few truly violent hate groups) many conservative, Confederate and other right-wing groups in the government courts. There's so many negative things to say about the vile Morris Dees that I'll just stop here. It's a sad day when Morris Dees is welcomed at VMI, the old stomping grounds of Stonewall Jackson.

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