
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Road To Secession

From America Today and Secession and Nullification--News and Information:

Topic: History of Liberty in America

The Road to Secession


The Sesquicentennial (150th) Anniversary if Amerinca Civil War is approaching, and in Texas, an event is being held to address the question, Why did the South leave the Union?


by Mark Vogl


Monday, October 4, 2010

With America at a political crossroads, study of the ante bellum era (1840-1860) before the Civil War Sesquicentennial is uniquely appropriate. How the nation dealt with earlier issues which could not be compromised could be important to modern resolution of issues like abortion, redistribution of wealth, Gay Rights, homosexual marriage and open borders.

For many American, the South started the war.

But may be history would not be so quick to support that historical misstatement.

In Texas, the Sons of Confederate Veterans are organizing a national event to help Americans think about what was going on in America before the Civil War, and about secession, and the Constitution.

The Road to Secession will be conducted at Camp Gilmont, in Upshur County, East Texas during December 1 - 5, 2010.

The Road to Secession has been designed as an event to reach to all Americans. Starting on December 2, an Academic Symposium will address the question: Why did the good and Christian people of the South choose secession? Papers have been submitted from all across the South, and issues not always addressed at Civil War events will be discussed. For example, why the did the Six Indiannations of Oklahoma join the Confederacy? Whydid the Arizona territory join the Confederacy?How did actions within the Protestant Churches of America influence national events and secession?

There will be some noted historians including Dr. Don Frazier,Dr Les Tucker, and Dr. Robert Peters present. They will be joined by Donnie and Ronnie Kennedy, authors of The South Was Right.

In addition to the symposium, ante bellum personalities including Jefferson and Varina Davis, Harriet Beecher Stowe and John C. Calhoun will be present to make presentation to school children and homeschoolers. Sam Houston, a Unionist may debate Davis... Thomas Jefferson will talk about States Rights as he understood it when the Constitution was written and adopted.

And to cap off the event each day, a reenactment of John Brown's Raid against Harper's Ferry will be conducted.

Organizers have been working on the event for more than a year, and one can find out more information about the event by visiting [link edited for length].

This is a once in a life time event. Dr. Clyde Wilson, Professor Emeritus of the University of South Carolina wrote: "This may be the best event ever organized in the Trans Mississippi."

Organizers are still seeking re-enactors and impersonators

Give yourself and your family an early Christmas present, and come to East Texas to learn about your nation's history.

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