
Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Washington Post On Confederate History Month

From SLM News Blog:

07 October 2010Pro-Confederate editorial in Washington Post

'I find a Confederate History Month to be entirely appropriate and would hope that Virginia politicians do not "cow down" to pressure applied by a writer for The Post.'

Posted by PalmettoPatriot at 12:44 PM
And, the editorial from The Washington Post:
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Confederate History Month

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why don't you . . . give up on your agenda of revisionist history and accept the fact that history is history and your whining and attempts at changing it will fail? You can certainly dislike it, disavow it and protest it, but it is what it is!

As a student of the Civil War, I can tell you for a fact that thousands upon thousands of young Virginians lost their lives in a cause that most, if not all, did not fully understand. It matters not the reason; they felt that if their state was under siege, or they were called to arms by their state, it was their duty to accept the calling. They did so willingly and paid a horrendous price. No matter that you or others disagree with the "cause," these young men deserve some dignity and accolades.

I find a Confederate History Month to be entirely appropriate and would hope that Virginia politicians do not "cow down" to pressure applied by a writer for The Post.

mcCartney respondS

I have no problem according dignity and accolades to the young men from Virginia and elsewhere in the Confederacy who perished in that tragic war - on one condition. In any commemoration of the Civil War (or the Confederacy), it's necessary, in my view, to make clear that slavery led to the war and to say explicitly that it was an evil and inhumane institution whose abolition as a result of the Union victory was welcome and desirable.

In other words, my view is that it's fine to honor the troops who fought for the South, but not the principal cause - defending slavery - for which they fought.

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