
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Abraham Lincoln Endorses Permanent Slavery Amendment To Constitution

From Confederate Heritage:

Abraham Lincoln Endorses

Permanent Slavery Amendment

WASHINGTON (CHF) - In his first Inaugural Speech, on March

4, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln approved a Constitutional

Amendment that would guarantee permanent slavery in the

United States.

Lincoln stated in his Speech,

"I understand a proposed amendment to the Constitution has

passed Congress, to the effect that the Federal Government

shall never interfere with the domestic institutions of the States,

including that of persons held to service. Holding such a

provision to now be implied constitutional law, I have no

objection to its being made express and irrevocable."

See Lincoln Inaugural Speech

This Permanent Slavery Amendment that Lincoln endorsed was

passed on March 2, 1861 by a vote of over 66% of both

Houses of the U. S. Congress, after most Southern States had

withdrawn from the United States and had formed their own

nation, the Confederate States of America.

If ratified by 3/4 of the States, this Northern sponsored

Constitutional Amendment would prevent the federal

government from ever abolishing or interfering with slavery in

any State in the United States.

If the Southern States wanted slavery protected forever, then all

they would have to do is return to the Union and ratify this

Constitutional Amendment.

But, because the Southern States left the Union to avoid

Lincoln's newly passed 40% import tax (see below) and not to

protect slavery, few experts expect the South to return.

The Northern Permanent Slavery Amendment reads,

"No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will

authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere,

within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including

that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said


See Northern Permanent Slavery Amendment

This overwhelming 66% vote by the Northern controlled U. S.

Congress proves that the North officially and openly supported

slavery and has exposed, as a farce, the North's pretensions of

being opposed to slavery.

Had the North been opposed to slavery, they would not have

passed such an Amendment supporting slavery.

Moreover, on the very same day, Congress also passed the

Morrill Tariff Act, the highest import tax in U.S. history, which

raised import taxes on Southerners from 20% to 40%.

Analysts see the Permanent Slavery Amendment passed by

the U.S. Congress and endorsed by Lincoln as a political

maneuver by the North to bring the Southern States back into

the Union to pay this new higher 40% tax to finance the U.S.

Government and subsidize Northern business monopolies.

If, as Lincoln claims, the issue for withdrawing from the Union

was slavery, then the Southern States would immediately return

to the Union and ratify this Constitutional Amendment and, of

course, pay Lincoln's oppressive 40% tax.

But, because the issue to Southerners is self-government and

unfair taxes and not slavery, it is unlikely they will return.

Further justifying the South's right to independence is the fact

that Lincoln was elected President of the United States in a four

way race by only 39% of the popular vote (he did not receive

even one vote in the deep South).

During the Presidential Campaign, Abraham Lincoln had

promised the public and especially his financial supporters,

mostly large monopolies in the Northeast, that he would double

the sales tax on imported goods to the South from 20% to 40%,

if elected, which would make these rich monopolies richer.

The Southern States have evidently remembered how South

Carolina was subjected to the Force Bills to collect the Tariff of

Abominations passed by the U. S. Congress in 1832, because

this time most Southern States left the Union before the new tax

law passed, to avoid being subject to such force bills.

And the South certainly knew the passage of the new tax law

was imminent, since they were now greatly outvoted in

Congress by the Northern States, as a result of the recent

national election, in which a large number of high tax Senators

and Representatives were elected.

Since Southerners exported and imported 80% of the nation’s

goods, they have paid 80% of the nation’s import taxes for

many years now, although they represented only 33% of the

United States population.

The South contended that this unequal taxation violated the

United States Constitution, Article I, Section 8(1) and was both

unfair and burdensome to Southerners.

And even worse for the South, 80% of this tax revenue was then

spent up North on Northern canals and railroads, instead of in

the Southern States.

This high import tax (sales tax on imported goods) forced the

price of products from England and France to be increased

20% higher, just to pay the tax.

This 20% increase in the price of imported goods, because of

the tax, then allowed Northern manufacturers to raise their

prices 20%, which in turn established very rich monopolies in

the North.

This Northern price gouging and very unfair situation that has

existed with the 20% tax rate will be made totally unbearable by

Lincoln’s new 40% sales tax on imported goods, which will

financially ruin many Southerners.

Also in his Inaugural Speech, Lincoln made it clear that there

would be no invasion of the Confederate States, except to

collect taxes and possess tax collection forts.

In his Speech, Lincoln refused to mention slavery, at all, as a

reason to invade the South; and instead, Lincoln endorsed the

Permanent Slavery Amendment recently passed by Congress.

Lincoln stated in his Speech,

"The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and

possess the property and places belonging to the government,

and to collect the duties and imposts (import taxes); but beyond

what may be necessary for these objects, there will be no

invasion, no using of force against or among the people


See Lincoln Inaugural Speech

The only property belonging to the federal government that

Lincoln said he is willing to invade the Confederate States to

possess are two tax collection forts: Fort Sumter at the

entrance to Charleston Harbor in South Carolina and Fort

Pickens at the entrance to Pensacola Bay in Florida.

Therefore, if there is to be a war, observers are predicting that

Lincoln will start the war by invading Charleston Harbor with

warships to hold Fort Sumter, a tax collection fort.

Furthermore, the above official, legal support for permanent

slavery by Abraham Lincoln and the U.S. Congress is

irrefutable proof that the war will be fought totally over unfair,

oppressive taxes and will not be fought over slavery at all.

Many fear that Lincoln's War Against Southern Independence

will result in the destruction of State sovereignty and local self-

government and the establishment of an all powerful centralist

federal government with higher taxes and fewer liberties.

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