
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Treachery Of Lincoln: Things Your Teacher Never Taught You, Part Four

From Wolves of Liberty:

The Treachery Of Lincoln – Things Your Teacher Never Taught You Part 4

10. Aug, 2010 Comments (3)

By Republicae

G.J. Merits: Below is another elucidation from the pseudonymous Republicae to my post Unchaining Ourselves From The Lincoln Myth – Things Your Teacher Never Taught You Part 3. This time the topic is the catalyst for the War for Southern Independence.

As clearly explained below by Republicae, the treachery of Lincoln all but guaranteed the start of a war that would claim 600,000 American lives. We now have, from the entire series to date of Things Your Teacher Never Taught You, an understanding the war was fought not over slavery or even to hold together the Union – but was solely a fiscal matter. We were introduced to the tyranny of Lincoln, comments from Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji justifying his country’s suppression of Taiwan in 1999 by appealing to the example Lincoln set, as well as comments from Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf and Karl Marx putting to truth the lust for sovereignty and power that gripped the tyrant President. Just as troubling, we learned of Lincoln’s virulent racism, his belief in white supremacy, and the exposure of those views by eminent African American icon Lerone Bennett Jr., former editor of Ebony magazine, whose 20 year study of Lincoln exposed the true man behind the mask. The contributions of many other scholars, dedicated to truth, is readily available on the subject as well.

The conclusion reached easily puts to lie the myth of Lincoln the great emancipator. But in order to achieve his ends, Lincoln needed his war. When it looked like he may not get it, the duplicity he utilized to achieve his desired end that lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of men, the plundering of South, and crimes by the Union army against helpless victims, finally shows the real man – a full fledged tyrant and hypocrite. His contribution to the meme of federal supremacy is unmatched and if we are to crush this false belief, we must destroy once and for all the myth that is Lincoln.

In the end, I would be only too happy to see his countenance removed from Mt. Rushmore and the Lincoln memorial torn to shreds. Never again will I be impressed by any member of the GOP who would utter a phrase most disgusting for me to hear: “We are the party of Lincoln”. The next part of the series concentrates on the ratification of the 14th amendment and its clear message: the war had nothing to do with holding the Union together. Crimes committed by Union soldiers against the South cover the next few installments, with the remainder of the series concentrating on how the meme of federal supremacy became so integrated into the modern culture it is hardly recognizable as duplicitous. As Republicae stated in Nullification & The States (emphasis mine):

So, what shall be done to redeem ourselves, to restore that which has been taken by both deceptive methods and by force of arbitrary laws that have resulted in a state of peonage for the People, a huge productive Vassal State for the federal government? The question is of the gravest sort, the answer most solemn for if we are simply continue in our present state, waiting for this government to reform itself and return to some sense of justice then our wait will obviously be in vain and any hope can no longer be indulged. The sensibilities of the People have long ago been numbed, their estimation of their Rights lowered and they have been gradually taught to find comfort in their chains as though they were actually free.

The People, for most part, have resigned themselves to their condition and allow the voluntary relinquishment of the prospects of actual freedom to a class of politically advantaged, pecuniary benefits are secured to those who are politically connected by various laws and policies that favor them over the vast majority of the People and indeed over the general welfare of the Country itself. The political and corporate classes have joined forces to enrich themselves under the operation of laws, which are always crafted in the name of the public good.

We have seen Lincoln the racist, Lincoln the tyrant, and Lincoln the usurper of state’s rights. Now let us meet Lincoln the architect of war:


It is a commonly held view that the “Civil War” began when the State of South Carolina fired on Fort Sumter, and why not, that is what is taught in the history books. However, when delving into the records, we find that it did not begin on that fateful day of April 10, 1861.

In December, 1864, Abraham Lincoln gave a speech before Congress and made a statement, that on the surface appears to be completely veracious in content: “I simply mean to say that the war will cease, on the part of the Government, whenever it shall cease on the part of those who began it.” That is the accepted view of history and in many minds it is completely true, but when viewed from actually historical facts the veracity of the statement becomes very questionable.

This next statement flies directly in the face of accepted history and yet the facts clearly and irrefutably support the statement: The United States and Abraham Lincoln started the war by committing at least four acts of war against two of the most strategically vital points in the South. These acts of war were perpetrated, on the orders of Lincoln, weeks prior to the South’s defensive attack on Fort Sumter. In fact, had the secret orders of Lincoln actually been obeyed, the war would have begun almost 500 miles away from Charleston and Fort Sumter.

On December 6th, 1860, in recognition of the Sovereignty of the States of the South, the United States Government entered into a solemn Armistice with the officials of the State of South Carolina and on January 29th, 1861, the United States Government then entered into yet another solemn Armistice with the officials of the State of Florida. Both of these agreements were officially filed with the United States War and Navy Departments. In these agreements, the United States agreed not to attempt any reinforcement of Fort Sumter, Fort Pickens, the entire State of South Carolina and Florida. In return, the Confederate authorities agreed that there would be no attack on the Forts occupied by Union Forces as long as the agreements were observed to the letter. It was also understood by these agreements that any violation would be considered an act of war between the Confederacy and the United States. Additionally, it was understood by these agreements that any person visiting these fortifications, or areas covered by these agreements, with the intent to advise, plans, supply, reinforce or strengthen the fortifications that it too would be considered an act of war under the officially recognized and signed agreements.

It is indeed unfortunate that history doesn’t always tell the truth but ofttimes struggles against it and falsehoods are usually enlarged by accepted opinion.

Within eight days of the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, the United States Government, upon Lincoln’s orders violated the Armistices by attempting to reinforce Fort Pickens, thus from that point a state of war existed between the Confederate States of America and the United States. In January 1861, on the U.S.S. Brooklyn, Captain Vogdes, along with an armed force, was sent to reinforce Fort Pickens. However, Vogdes remained on the U.S.S. Brooklyn temporarily estoppeled by the Armistice. However, according to the terms of the Armistice, from that moment of preparation, a legal state of war existed between The Confederate States of America and the United States of America.

On March 12th, 1861, by the order of the President, Lieutenant General Scott the following message was addressed to “Captain I. Vogdes, First Artillery, and U.S. Army, on board Ship of War Brooklyn, off Fort Pickens, Pensacola, Fla.”:

“At the first favorable opportunity, you will land your company, reinforce Fort Pickens, and hold the same till further orders”

On March 31st, 1861, the orders were received by Captain Vogdes and sent the following message to Captain H.A. Adams:

“Hereby I send you a copy of an order received by me last night. You will see by it that I am directed to land my company at the earliest opportunity. I have therefore to request that you place at my disposal such boats and other means as will enable me to carry into effect the enclosed order. I. Vogdes”

The interesting thing is that Captain Adams refused to obey the orders, later in his report to the Secretary of the Navy he stated: “It would be considered not only a declaration, but an act of war; and would be resisted to the utmost. Both sides are faithfully observing the Armistice entered into by the United States Government…, which binds us not to reinforce Fort Pickens unless we shall be attacked or threatened. It binds them not to attack it unless we should attempt to reinforce it.”

On April 6th, 1861, Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy sent the following to Captain Adams:

“Your dispatch of April 1st is received. The Department regrets that you did not comply with the request of Capt. Vogdes. You will immediately on the first favorable opportunity after receipt of this order, afford every facility to Capt. Vogdes to enable him to land the t, troops under his command, it being the wish and intention of the Navy Department to co-operate with the War Department, in that object.”

Now, an interesting fact is that the order was sent by special messenger, Lieutenant J. L. Worden by rail via Richmond through Augusta to Atlanta. When Worden arrived in Atlanta, he committed his orders to memory and destroyed the orders. On April 11, 1861, Worden met with General Bragg and stated that he only had a verbal message of a peaceful nature to deliver to Captain Adams. Worden’s actions and behavior aroused suspicions and he was arrested in Montgomery.

Captain Adams landed Vogdes and reinforcements around 9p.m. on the night of April 11th, 1861. The next day, under similar circumstances, the Confederate forces fired upon Fort Sumter without knowledge of the events that occurred the night before at Fort Pickens. During this time, the Confederate Peace Commission had been kept waiting by Lincoln and Seward. After the attack, Seward continues to reassure the Confederate Peace Commission by stating that Sumter would be evacuated in ten days and there would be no further attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter. Seward also assured the Commission that he would give them notice if there were “any design to alter the existing status there.” Of course, Seward was well aware that all of this had already taken place.

Thus the Confederacy had sent the Commission openly with peaceful intent and good faith, all the while Lincoln has not only secretly conspired to avert peace, but start a war. Again, to give evidence at the treachery of Lincoln we find that on March 29th, 1861, Lincoln sent a memorandum to the Secretary of the Navy that ordered three ships of war, The Pocahontas, The Pawnee and The Harriet Lane, along with 300 seamen with a month’s stores.

On April 1st, 1861, Winfield Scott sent the following order of the President to the Head Quarters of the Army: “ You have been designated to take command of an expedition to reinforce and hold Fort Pickens in the harbor of Pensacola. You will proceed to New York when steam transportation for four companies will be engaged; and putting on board such supplies as you can ship without delay proceed at once to your destination. The object and destination of this expedition will be communicated to no one to whom it is not already known.” This order was accompanied by this following codicil the next day:

“To Brevet Colonel Harvey Brown, U. S. Army. Approved April 2, 1861.” Signed: Abraham Lincoln.

Also on April 1, 1861, Lincoln sent the following order: “All officers of the Army and Navy, to whom this order may be exhibited will aid by every means in their power the expedition under the command of Colonel Brown; supply him with men and material, and co-operating with him as he may desire.” Abraham Lincoln.

Yet, on that same day, Seward had given his solemn assurances to the official envoys of the Confederacy that there would be no changes to the status of Fort Pickens and there was no design to reinforce Fort Sumter. So, while Lincoln’s Secretary of State was giving assurances to the Confederate Peace Commission that the Armistices would be honored, the secret war conspiracy was in the works.

Prior to these devious events and conspiratorial actions, Senator Stephen Douglas had introduced a bill in the U. S. Senate on December 20th, 1860. The bill would protect the States in their Constitutional rights by proposing to punish anyone guilty of inter-State insurrection or invasions. In a speech at Cooper Union, Lincoln denounced the bill and called it seditious. It is interesting, that an elected President would object to such a bill prior to his inauguration, particularly since the bill appeared to be protective both in intent and execution, as well as Constitutional. Of course, such a bill would have prohibited Lincoln’s actions; therefore the question is when did Lincoln actually decide to invade the South?

It is also interesting that five days prior to Lincoln’s inauguration, Congress passed the bill introduced by Douglas; to avoid any obstruction that the bill might cause, Lincoln did not convene Congress until after the war was assured by his actions at Fort Pickens and Fort Sumter. Thus while the Confederacy extended her hand in peace openly, Lincoln secretly extended the sword of war.

Had Lincoln truly desired peace and indeed union, why did he refuse to discuss peace with the Confederate Peace Commission, instead he set on a deliberate course of deception and subterfuge. Why would he not convene Congress to take up the issues of war as demanded by the Constitution?

On February 13th, 1861, The State of Virginia, in Convention voted down every resolution calling for Secession waiting for President Lincoln to make his words of “peace and union” good. Yet, a mere two weeks later, on April 2, 1861, Lincoln approved the secret act of war against the South.

Lincoln, fearful of the decision of the Virginia Convention sought to dissolve the Convention and sent Allan B. Magruder to Richmond in an attempt to convince members of the Convention to delay any action and inviting, at Lincoln’s behest, the leading union member of the Virginia Convention, Judge George Summers, to Washington to confer with Lincoln. Summers, unable to attend the meeting, sent John Baldwin in his stead. On April 4, 1861, Baldwin met with Lincoln and urged the President to call for a Conference of States to issue a “Peaceful Union Proclamation”. Remember, two days earlier, Lincoln has already sent orders to violate the Armistice, yet he played the role of a peace-maker despite the deception of his secret conspiracy. Lincoln responded to Baldwin’s plea with the words: “I fear you are too late”, of course he was, Lincoln has already committed an act of war against the South by breaking the articles of agreement found within the officially signed Armistice.

While Lincoln was meeting with Baldwin, the following order was issued on April 4, 1861:

“This will be handed to you by Capital G. V. Fox, an ex-officer of the Navy. He is charged by authority here, with the command of an expedition (under cover of certain ships of war) whose object is, to reinforce Fort Sumter. To embark with Captain Fox, you will cause a detachment of recruits, say about 200, to be immediately organized at Fort Columbus, with competent number of officers, arms, ammunition, and subsistence, with other necessaries needed for the augmented garrison at Fort Sumter”…Winfield Scott.

Based on the legal requirements of the official Armistice agreements, each of Lincoln’s expeditions were acts of war. With the three illegal expeditions being executed, Lincoln directly ordered yet another, this expedition would be headed by Lieutenant D. D. Porter of the Navy.

“Executive Mansion, April 1, 1861 – Sir: You will proceed to New York and with least possible delay assume command of any steamer available. Proceed to Pensacola Harbor, and, at any cost or risk, prevent any expedition (Confederate) from the main land reaching Fort Pickens, or Santa Rosa. You will exhibit this order to any Naval Officer at Pensacola if you deem it necessary, after you have established yourself within the harbor. This order, its object, and your destination will be communicated to no person whatever, until you reach the harbor of Pensacola.”… Abraham Lincoln.

Another secret and extremely interesting order Lincoln issued, again on April 1, 1861:

“You will fit out the Powhatan without delay. Lieutenant Porter will receive Captain Mercer in command of her. She is bound on secret service; and you will under no circumstances communicate to the Navy Department the fact that she is fitting out.” Abraham Lincoln.

Lieutenant Porter, in his official Report on the expedition states:

“I had disguised the ship, so that she deceived those who had known her, and was standing in unnoticed, when the Wyandotte (a steamer) commenced making signals, which I did not answer, but stood on. The steamer then put herself in my way and Captain Meigs, who was aboard, hailed me and I stopped. In twenty minutes more I should have been inside Pensacola harbor or sunk.”

There had been a special report issued by Captain Barron, U.S. Navy, on the good faith that was being observed by both parties to the Armistice, in this report, he stated that the Powhatan had attempted, by force, to enter Pensacola harbor in disguise and flying English Colors, in other words the British Union Jack.

Honest Abe has used every possible deceptive practice to subvert the Armistice agreements and force war on the South.

With the above order in mind, yet another interesting order was issued by Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, in apparent ignorance of Lincoln’s order issued that the Powhatan sail to Charleston instead. However, Lieutenant Porter sailed to Pensacola on orders of the President. Seward; sent a dispatch boat to intercept the Powhatan ordering Lieutenant Porter to give the Powhatan up to Captain Mercer. On April 6, Porter sent the following message to Seward: “I received my orders from the President, and shall proceed and execute them.”

During the conference with Baldwin, Lincoln demanded: “Why don’t you adjourn the Convention…It is a standing menace to me”. Baldwin refused Lincoln’s demands and warned Lincoln that: “If a gun is fired, Virginia will secede in 48 hours.” Of course, President Lincoln insured that war was inevitable and was perfectly aware of what he was doing prior to the meeting.

The Confederacy, officially recognized, though not publicly, by the United States Government as a Sovereign country entered into an Armistice agreement and extended every possible means to both establish and maintain peace with the United States. The fact that the Confederacy was so recognized raises extremely serious questions regarding the commonly held view that the Southern States were in rebellion or that the war was a Civil War, neither of which is the case.

The facts point to the mentality of a man, the ideology of a very Radical Republican Party and the desire for power. The United States Government, under the orders of Abraham Lincoln used treachery and deception, not only with the Confederate leadership, but with the American People, and Congress in order to ensure Lincoln’s secret scheme would succeed and war would be forced upon the South.

Shortly after the election of Lincoln, the Radical Republican Thaddeus Stevens stated, unbelievably, that the election of 1860 empowered Lincoln’s Party to enforce their political theories over the entire country regardless of the Constitutional validity of those theories, the rights of the Sovereign States or even the decisions of the Supreme Court.

On July 10, 1861, Congress, in a Joint Resolution was introduced in the Senate to legalize all of Lincoln’s Un-Constitutional acts. Congress had bought Lincoln’s ruse that the South had declared war on the United States of America. Though under the guise of Constitutional acceptability, there was, from that moment, no Government of the United States that was Constitutionally administered, and since that time the guise of Constitutionality continues to allow the government to operate completely outside the delegated authority of the Constitution.

Here is the absolution of Lincoln’s crimes as presented in the Joint Resolution, it is evident by the words themselves that both the House and Senate were well aware that Lincoln’s actions were Un-Constitutional, yet they proceeded to “legalize’ those actions: “Be it resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled, That all the extraordinary acts, proclamations, and orders hereinbefore mentioned be and the same are hereby approved, and DECLARED TO BE IN ALL RESPECTS LEGAL AND VALID, to the same, and with the same effect as if they had been issued and done under the previous express authority, and direction, of the Congress of the United States.”

It should be relatively easy to discern that by enacting such a resolution, Congress, in fact admitted that all of Lincoln’s actions, orders and proclamations were Un-Constitutional, illegal and utterly invalid!

In 1861, Lincoln ordered the writ of Habeas Corpus be suspended in Pennsylvania and Maryland. When John Merryman was arrested he sued out a writ of Habeas Corpus to be released, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney ordered the parties to appear before him in Baltimore, Maryland. The Chief Justice’s order was not heeded and the military officer which appeared before the Justice refused to supply the Court with a copy of the arrest warrant and also refused to obey the writ of Habeas Corpus because he was “authorized by the President to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus at his discretion, and, he suspends it in this case”.

Justice Taney heard the case, ex parte, and rendered the decision of the Court pronouncing the order of the President Un-Constitutional, null and void. He denied, and rightly so, that the President had any Constitutional authority whatsoever, to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus under any circumstances and additionally there was no authority within the Executive to delegate such authority to the discretion of a military officer to exercise such powers.

Lincoln’s response was to issue a warrant for the arrest of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; Taney should have expected nothing less from a man like Lincoln.

When Lincoln began to enforce conscription in 1863, one of the leading opponents was C. L. Vallandingham. Vallandingham was arrested, without the Constitutional Right afforded him by the writ of Habeas Corpus; he was later banished by Lincoln and escorted to the Confederate lines. A group of very prominent leaders in Ohio, Vallandingham’s State, petitioned Lincoln to release and Lincoln, seeking validation for his actions, offered to remit the sentence of Vallandingham if and only if those Ohio leaders would sign a statement that rebellion existed and that Constitutional measures were taken when the Army and Navy were used to suppress the rebellion. The Ohio leaders refused to sign the statement.

The bravery and Patriotism of Vallandingham became apparent when he later defied his banishment and returned to Ohio to become the leader of the Democratic Convention. Tens of thousands of innocent people were caught up in the dragnet of Martial Law, hundreds of newspapers were shut down or restricted in their publications; the true scope of abuses by Lincoln are astounding.

As horrifying as it must have been to live under such tyranny, it was terrifying to live in the path of the invading Union Army. The war crimes of Lincoln become apparent when reading the papers of General Sherman. In those papers were a complete strategy for terrorism, a war directed and waged against Southern women and children. Detailed instructions, along with illustrations for Union soldiers are among the papers of Sherman. Homes were first to be pillaged, and then burned along with all outbuildings, tools, supplies and all standing crops with all harvested crops confiscated for Army use. All livestock was to be slaughtered and confiscated or burned. In these disgusting and dishonorable papers, a particular interest was placed on the destruction of all family heirlooms, including bibles, pictures, clothes, wedding dresses and pianos.

Sherman had issued orders to “make the damned traitorous rebel women and children howl.” The war crimes against the Southern civilian population could fill volumes and the shame of those atrocities should cause anyone with a conscience to wonder the value of this Union when paid in such high costs. The official record is gripping, and surprisingly open concerning the crimes of the Union.

Lincoln’s actions, as always, contradicted his words. Lincoln’s extension of peace was always only lip service which concealed the true intent of the man and that intend was the absolute submission of the Free, Independent and Sovereign States, not only of the South, but of the entire country. Lincoln was a nationalist and a consolidationist who believed that the States were nothing more than provinces of the Central Government.

Indeed, the Radical Republicans had a long history of conspiring for the subjugation of the South. Their political theories were openly pronounced as anti-Constitutional. The Radical Republicans were heavy supporters of Legal Tender because they believed it was necessary for the subjugation of the Southern People by providing the federal government control over the source and type of currency used in the country. Prior to the inauguration of Lincoln, Congress passed a resolution denouncing the political theories of the Radical Republicans as violations of Constitutional principles; unfortunately it did little to stop the advance of the Radical influences in Congress.

The Radical influences were far greater and much more insidious than we understand. In the failed Revolution of 1848, Marxists from Germany sought refuge in the United States and oddly enough, their influences on the Radical Republican Party became very evident during the Lincoln Administration. During the election of 1860, the 1848 Revolutionaries were Lincoln Zealots and many were rewarded for their support of Lincoln’s campaign by instantly being appointed by Lincoln to very high military and government positions.

One such 1848 Marxist Revolutionary was Union General Fraz Sigel. When in Germany, he was a leader of the 1848 Revolution, of which the primary goal was to bring both Germany and France under the control, by force of arms, of a strong centralized socialist government.

Another appointment was Carl Schurz, he too was a Forty-Eighter and was credited for delivering over 300,000 German votes to Lincoln in 1860. Others were Louis Blenker, August Willich, Alexander Schimmelpfennig, Lorenz Brentano, Friedrich Hecker, Gustav von Struve, Wilhelm Weitling and Joseph Weydemeyer.

Most of these Marxist Revolutionaries, like Joseph Weydemeyer, refused to swear oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Due to these influences, it should be apparent that there was much more to the story of Lincoln. Indeed, if you look at many of the political theories of the Radical Republicans and the policies of Lincoln himself, you will find an eerie correlation between such political theories and Marxism, particular the Communist Manifesto.

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