
Friday, March 9, 2012

Announcing The 2012 LS National Conference

From The League of the South:
Announcing The 2012 LS National Conference
It is my pleasure to announce that the 2012 League of the South national conference will be held in the new Alabama LS culture center and headquarters in Wallsboro (Elmore County), Alabama, on 20-21 July (Friday-Saturday). The LS building is located on US Hwy. 231 north of Montgomery, the first Capital of the Confederacy. The new venue was opened to the public on Saturday, 21 January, with speeches, music, food, and good Southern fellowship. We look forward to showing off our newest League real estate to you all this coming summer. Please mark the dates on your calendar and plan to join us for a fun, informative, and inspiring weekend on our own beautiful property.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Bringing Communities Back To Life.” The program will feature several practical workshops that cover the cultural, social, economic, and political revitalization of our Southern communities. Confirmed speakers thus far are Michael Peroutka, noted attorney and former Constitution Party Presidential candidate; Franklin Sanders, author, editor of The Moneychanger and The Free Magnolia, and LS Board member; Mike Tuggle, blogmaster of The Rebellion Blog and LS Board member; and Michael Hill, LS President. As usual, we will have some surprises.

For more information visit:

The Georgia League of the South
Winter Symposium "The 14th Amendment and its Legal Transformation"
When: March 10, 2012
Where: Barnesville Civic Center, Barnesville, Georgia

The 14th amendment is perhaps the most controversial among the 27 embodied in the U.S. Constitution. And for good reason! The 14th amendment fundamentally altered the nature of the federal government, it’s relationship to the states, and the very definition of “citizen”. This one day symposium will, among other points, will explore the following topics: 

  • Citizenship in the United States.
  • What it means to be a resident .
  • Legal tender laws and what they imply.
  • How the 14th amendment transformed our political status and system of law.
We will have a full day of speakers followed up with a question and answer session. The information we will be discussing is dynamic and very important to understanding who we are, and our status with the law.

In order to cover expenses and compensate our speakers, we will charge a fee of $30.00 for singles, $55.00 for couples. There will be a limited amount of scholarships available for students and/or clergy. 18 and under are free.

Our lineup of speakers will include:
  • Mr. Roger Sayles
  • Mr. Pat Shannan
  • Mr. Thomas Brissey

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